Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oils for Athletes

Essential oils are extremely beneficial to all people, but can actually improve an athletes performance.  Many athletes have been using essential oils for a very long time and they are becoming more main stream every day.  They are also great to use when working out! 

  One of the most common oils used among athletes is peppermint.  Peppermint is extremely helpful in many ways.  It aids in opening airways for easier breathing.  It improves mind clarity.  It is also very cool, aiding in bringing down core body temperature.  

So how do you use it?  You can drop one drop in the palm of your hand.  Do not get the oil on your fingertips because you can then transfer it to your eyes, which is very painful.  Place the opposite thumb in the drop of oil and then press it against the roof of your mouth.  Now, press your palms together, making use of the remaining oil.  Cup your nose and mouth and deeply inhale.  It will clear your sinuses, head, and make you feel alert and refreshed!  You can also mix it with a carrier oil such a coconut oil and rub it into your back and torso to cool you down.  

The next crucial oil for athletes is the famous Panaway!  Panaway is a Young Living blend that is wonderful for pain.   It is great for sore muscles and injuries.  Just rub a few drops on, mixed with coconut oil as often as every 30 minutes.  Oils are amazing in the way they repair damaged cells instead of tricking our brain to think we are not in pain and not injured.

Of course, our famous Young Living blend, Thieves is vital!  Thieves is great to take daily as a supplement to keep us from getting sick.  You can mix it with a carrier oil and put 3 drops into a capsule.  It is important to have on hand in case you start to feel run down and not well, you can diffuse it, take it in a capsule as well as rub it on the bottom of your feet mixed with a carrier oil to take those germs captive and get you healthy for the upcoming game.  

RC is our next oil of choice.  RC stands for Respitory and Cough but many athletes rub it on their chest and/or inhale it to help open their lungs up before a competition.

Ningxia Red is a pureed juice that includes Gojo berries, along with several other berries.  It also has citrus oils in it and is truly a superfood.  Ningxia provides you amazing energy but more importantly it keeps us healthy and aids in healing us when we are sick or injured.  Ningxia Red is the easiest thing you can do daily to improve your overall health.  

For the athlete who battles with nerves and anxiety, we often reccomend inhaling Valor before a competition.  You can simply drop it in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, cup your hand and breath deeply.  You can also rub it behind your ears, on your chest and on your wrists.  This oils helps to calm us as well us bring us security and confidence.  

If you have any questions or need to know how to get started with these life changing oils, let me know!  I do not diagnose or prescribe and remember, I only recommend the use of Young Living oils.  They are therapeutic grade, safe,  and powerful.  

I hope you have a successful and fulfilling season!

Please visit the following link to read testimonies of successful athletes and their use of oils.